3 March

I guess I have not posted it a while.

But today I am going to be talking about my media fast for my church!

By my church I have been assigned to do a media fast! What a media fast is, is you can not go on ANY media that is not related to God for a whole month! Including phone, books, TV, and music. For the phone I can not use Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, YouTube and Pinterest. With books NONE w/o God relation! On TV I can not watch movies ( I had to turn down a sleepover because of that.) and shows that are not God related. And then we have music... ALL christian. HAHAHAHAHA lol. I feel like this will bring me closer to God because I can read my Bible and do devotionals! I can't wait to take this journey!! I would recommend doing this because all the stress is just lifted of of you!

Girl online, Going offline  XOXO


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